Hi all! For some reason I have not felt terribly inspired to update this lately and have let nearly 6 weeks pass since last writing. However, it is certainly not for lack of inspiring and exciting things to write about as life never fails to be an adventure on a daily basis here in the Nantahala River gorge. So there is much to report!
First of all, I would like to note that I saw the sun today for the first time in 9 days. Nine days does not seem like a long time until you experience each and every day of non-stop rain, clouds, fog, and slogging through mud, mud, and more mud. At first, I looked at it from the glass half-full perspective - "At least we arent experiencing the drought of the last 2 years;" "The trees, plants, farmers must be SO happy;" and "It's a good excuse to read a book, watch a movie, curl up indoors." Oh wait...this last one got me. It WOULD be a good excuse to curl up inside on the sofa and read or watch a movie, if ONLY I lived in such a place. My dwelling is not so fancy. I described it to my dad as a "cabin" being that is has four walls, a roof, a wooden slat with a thin mattress for me to lie upon each night snug in my sleeping bag, and is made of wood. But that is about all it has. Dad arrived to discover that spending the night with me meant a 200 yard walk in the dark to use the facilities and climbing a wooden ladder to sleep on an equally thin (and rather a bit more dusty) mattress in the "loft." Again, loft often inspires visions of something cute, cozy, and comfy. This is NOT that kind of loft. Dad decided it would have been better described as a Swiss climbing hut. However, having never visited a climbing hut, I have taken to just telling people I live in a shack and use the outhouse to answer the call of nature (and thanks to a recent move, I am now only 20 yards from the toilet - makes those middle of the night stumbles to the bathroom all the merrier)! But do not be led astray. I LOVE where I live. I may not like it so much come next month when cold temps roll in and my heater-less abode provides no comfort from the elements, but for now, I live in a great community where we wile away evenings in our one common room drinking tea, reading the "latest" tabloids (often received a 2-4 weeks after they come out, but, hey, it's news to us!), and doing crossword puzzles. HA! Sounds like a cheesy scene right out of The Waltons...The things people must have done to keep themselves entertained pre-tech era, I suppose. But, I digress...
The sun is out again - I no longer have to run wearing scuba gear to prevent from drowning and may once again use that awesome hot pink road bike of mine. Woohoo! And now back to the days I refer to as BtR - i.e. Before the Rains.
This is my fourth season working at the Nantahala Outdoor Center, but it is really the first time I have truly felt like a part of the NOC community. It probably has a lot to do with living in staff housing for the first time ever, but I also think that I have made much more of a personal effort this year to hang out with co-workers. And, as a result, the adventures have been numerous, varied, and made even the days of non-stop rain bearable.
Most memorable adventure goes to our Mashburns - this being the name of the place where I live - family outing to eat dinner at Ryans Steakhouse buffet. A co-worker and I each one a gift certificate for 2 to eat at this restaurant located 45 minutes from our "casa" in the nearest city of any size. We decided that rather than choosing dates, we would let anyone interested take part in a competition to win a coveted date with us. But what kind of competition should we have? Alas, we decided on a Sumo Butt Wrestling competition amongst co-workers. People signed up, rules were explained (basically using only your butt, you must knock the other person out of our mud-made ring), and the competition was underway. By the end, Kate and Liz won this "survival of the fittest (butt)" challenge. But people were so thrilled about the prospect of a night out on the town, that another 4 people hopped on board to join us (even knowing they would actually have to fork over $10 for the grand buffet). This being a special event for us gorge dwellers, Kate managed to get the 6 girls some fancy dresses straight from the 80s from the local theater and the guys dressed in their own redneck wedding clothes. Bathed, dressed, and with our tummies rumbling, we headed off in two cars for a night of food - LOTS of it - and an especially exciting after dinner trip to Wal-Mart. Really, there is no end to the amazing things one can find in that store - doggy vitamins, Jonas brother towels, and EEE sized bras...who knew?!
Dinner at Ryan's in our "fancy" clothes!
For awhile, there were so many calamities, that I thought I might need to plant myself in a plastic bubble until I managed to get myself some health insurance: Sarah was still recovering from her Copperhead bite; Liz broke her tail bone - while filming an NOC safety video, no less!; Will tore his pectoral muscle during a swift water rescue course and subsequently had to have surgery to repair it; Daniel had surgery to repair an infected Brown Recluse bite; a bear entered onto Slow Joe's porch one evening while I was alone using the computer (it later ran off as I didnt look like too tasty of a treat); and two dogs chased me with blood in their eyes while on a solitary (and previously peaceful) bike ride. And the powers that be finally decided to grant me health insurance, so I feel a little less tense when biking/running/walking/breathing.
The bear visits Slow Joe's!
And now onto a positive note - There have been many beautiful bike rides with Pete, Chris, and by my lonesome, early morning runs along the Upper Nantahala, movie nights in Sylva and Asheville with Sarah, Tofu dog and Sangria dinners at Pat's, dogsitting with Sarah (and discovering instructor Gary's super secret stash of enough Slow Joe's trail mix to help him survive the apocalypse), a day of bumper cars, pizza buffets, and video games at the Fun Factory (similar to Chuck E Cheeses) with Shock, yummy homemade Argentinian dinners with Vanina, and being treated to TV nights sitting on a real couch in a real house while Kate housesits - oh the luxury of lying upon a non-mold laden carpet and watching trashy cable TV!! I have also taken to being a total kodak moment mom this season documenting each and every moment of life with my crappy digital camera. And I mean EVERY moment. I even went so far as to document the events leading up to throwing away an entire case of mayonnaise after one brilliant person put the box in the freezer (to her credit, the mayonnaise and meat boxes look VERY similar). My co-workers are getting used to the camera flashing to capture such events as washing dishes and opening a giant can a jalapenos.
Wee One-Eyed Willie - the fruit of our Fun Factory tickets
Taking a break from washing the dishes
Saying goodbye to the mayonnaise
And one delightful weekend, I received a real treat when my dad, Susan, Susan's 7 year old granddaughter Victoria, as well as good friends Scott and Diane Segars, and Doug and Maryanne came to visit, paddle, and break it down at fellow kayaking buddy Whitney Sanford's wedding. We ate some yummy chocolate mousse, danced to 80s tunes at the reception (I cannot express enough how much it means to me that I have a family who knows how to let loose and have fun on the dance floor. We may look silly, but who the heck cares?!), and I got to play the proud daughter and take a ton of photos of the fam as dad fearlessly guided Susan and Victoria down the mighty (mighty cold, that is) Nanty. Much to my relief, my dad did not pull his usual scare tactics, and Victoria had a blast on her first ever raft trip. Cant wait until they come back!
Letting loose at the reception
Dad, Victoria, and Susan rafting the Mighty Nantahala!
Dad, Susan, Victoria, and I outside of Slow Joe's
As for life outside of the gorge, I visited Emily Mcguire Journy in Atlanta and took a quick trip across the country to Portland, OR to see Alexis, one of my best friends from Smith, get married. I spent 5 days catching up with old friends, eating freshly caught crab meat, camping 100 yards from the Pacific Ocean, watching my first live baseball game, dancing til my feet hurt, and hiking in the Colombia River gorge with my brororo. I fell in love with Portland and have decided it shall be my next US home....go there and you too shall be enamored!
Hanging out with Hannah and Alexis at a baseball game in Portland:).
Hiking with Jarratt in the beautiful Colombia River Gorge!
Now I am soaking in the sun and the tranquility of a Slow Joe's free day to eat a yummy muffin, read the local paper (on the day it comes out, no less!), and catch up on emails and phone calls while I have steady cell phone reception. Life is good, and I feel beyond blessed for the life I have, the opportunities I have been granted and the friends and family that surround me in body and spirit here and afar. Love to all! VIVA!
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