Monday, May 18, 2009

Flying by the Seat of my Pants

Buenas Tardes desde . . . SANTIAGO, Chile! So, if you read my most recent entry and pull out a map to understand where I have been (Cusco, Peru), where I was SUPPOSED to be (Salta, Argentina), and where I AM (Santiago, Chile), your head may start spinning almost as much as mine to understand why exactly I have found myself SO VERY FAR off track. Well...allow me to take a moment to explain.

This journey for me has been so beautiful most especially for the lack of plans that I have made. Really, other than needing to be home for my dad's wedding last month, and now needing to be in Argentina to meet up with my sister, there have been NO set plans. And while, at first, this sent me into a panic as to what I was going to do to keep myself entertained without feeling painfully lonely, it has turned out to be the most delightful part of my trip. I have NO plans. NONE. I wake up in the morning and think to myself, "What will I do today?" Yes, some days there are plans. And I really really like those days. Especially when those plans involve hanging out and going on an adventure with a new friend (i.e. NOT solo!!). But there are plenty of days where I wake up not entirely sure what I will do, where I will go, what I will see, or where I will lay my head the next night. This is exciting and, also, downright overwhelming and frightening at times. And for some reason, these most recent weeks, since I left Blanca and her mom in Paracas, have been especially challenging for me and my psyche. I have had many take-a-deep-breath-all-will-be-okay moments and sent more than a handful of emails to Rene questioning my ability to keep this up. But you know what? It ALWAYS passes. ALWAYS. And even in the midst of feeling alone, lonely, cold, unsure of what step to take next, I KNOW it will pass. I also know that sometimes you just need to cry or send an email (talking is the preferred method, but seeing as how I am a long long way from the nearest free phone call, that method just ain't an opción!). And I know I have some really amazing people on the other end who are rooting for me!!

So as I boarded bus Numero 1 last Wednesday to head South into Chile and then further South into Argentina, I really had NO idea what the heck I was going to do with myself (other than spend nearly 3 days sitting on my butt on a bus) until my sister arrived. I just knew I had to go, and would figure out what to do once I got to Chile. The first bus ride was 17 hours, not nearly as cold as my other Peruvian bus journeys, and I was lucky enough to befriend the woman sitting next to me. We chatted a bit, she invited me to stay with her and her family in their home if I ever returned to Cusco - amazing! - and then even invited me to have a fresh-made papaya/banana juice at the local market once we got to Tacna, Peru. Because there are some tense relations between Peruvians and Chileans, one cannot simply take a bus from one country into the other. Soooooo, after my super tasty juice, exchanging emails, and hugging goodbye, I jumped in a taxi to travel to 2 hours from Tacna to cross the border into Arica, Chile. And when I got to the bus station at 9 AM on Thursday morning, I nearly lost my cool. Arica is beach, but it is also desert. Dry, gray, gloomy, and I was feeling all alone. I missed my mountains. I had 5 days until Annelle would get here. The soonest bus toward Northern Argentina out of this depressing town was not for another 13 hours. I did not know what to do with myself and felt I could not will the time to go fast enough so I could leave. I took many deep breaths, tried to convince myself something good would come out of this, sent an email to my sister and Rene complaining about the miserable town, and then did my best to make the best of the day by catching a bus into town to try to take a walk, see the sights, and cheer up. But I just couldnt. My trip to Salta would involve only more desert, and I do not like the desert. I like green. I like mountains. Desert. Dry. Gray. And alone. For five days. I was not sure Tuesday would be able to come fast enough.

But then the whole plan took a crazy turn for the better when I got online and started talking to Claudio - my friend from Southern Chile with whom I stayed some two weeks at the end of March. He suggested we meet up in Santiago - 28 hours on bus for me, but still more or less on the way to Argentina, and 10 hours North on the bus for him. Really? Would it be crazy for me to jump at this or would it be crazier NOT to? In the end, I decided someone (Big Mama?) was offering me a hand to help pull me up and out of my funk. So I rushed back to the bus station, begged to change my ticket, and boarded my home on wheels for the 28 hour journey down to Santiago where I have spent the last 3 days.

Santiago is a beautiful city with two large hills in the center of town perfect for hiking and feeling like you are in the woods in the middle of a large metropolis. And Saturday and Sunday, in the company of a great great friend, I got to explore the city, eat tasty food, sleep in a real bed, and even go out to a club to listen to some Blues music - WON-DER-FUL!!

And now I am catching up on a few things before boarding a night bus to cross the border into Mendoza, Argentina to meet up with my sister tomorrow afternoon. The weather there is sunny and warm, and I am THRILLED to get to show off the beauty of Argentina to my sister. Drink maté and wine, hike en las montanas, dance some tango in Buenos Aires....oh, I can only imagine the adventures that are in store for us!

Feeling delightfully blessed and hoping to continue to remember to breathe deeply in the midst of the most difficult moments and cherish the beautiful and happy moments. VIVA!

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