Thursday, November 6, 2008

Bienvenidos a Buenos Aires

We´re here!! Woohoo!! We made it. I have to admit that I had my doubts that we would actually make it here. My father has been crazy busy with work and the seemingly never ending family crises of late. And then there was the super fun last minute realization upon arriving at the Jackson International Airport just one hour before flight number 1 of 3 took off that Poppa T left our passports, yes, our PASSPORTS at his house (and, mind you, I had asked him numerous times if he had them)..... OK, we can handle this. What´s the worst that could happen¿(i cant figure out which button is for the real question mark, so this one will ahve to suffice:)! We miss our flight and reschedule¿ A pain, yes, but the end of the world¿ No. So just breathe and take action. Rally the troops. And 20 minutes later - 27 minutes before our flight took off - Susan´s friend came peeling around the corner of the departures terminal and passed the passports to my dad through her open car window without even having to stop. The beauty of having good friends in your life:). And, believe me, if any of you out there find yourselves in a similar situation, and I could possibly offer help, I would do it in a heartbeat.

The rest of the trip went smoothly. In fact, the flight from Miami to BsAs was really really nice. I mean, I felt like a princess and and this was sitting in coach. Individual TVs with endless movies, cds, and games to choose from, two yummy meals, and complimentary ear plugs and eye masks - gosh, what more could a girl ask for! And just under 24 hours after leaving the house, we pulled up to our hotel in Palermo.

So, yes, we are here. And it´s wonderful. It stayed light until 915 tonight and this alone made me want to dance in the streets. But I behaved myself and instead enjoyed a drink in a cute plaza with my dad before watching him gorge himself on some poor cows butt. He said it was quite yummy. I stuck to the tasty sides that came with said butt. But Im sure carne will become part of my dieta here soon enough.

Another day of exploration awaits us. Hasta la proxima...

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