Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I. Am. Downright. Indecisive. And it may just be the death of me. Or at least the death of my mental sanity. Ive been here. Ive been there. Ive been back to here. And back to the there. And pretty much EVERYWHERE in between. And fear that all the coming and going has ultimately lead me nowhere. How can that be?! I am in a state of complete and total limbo as I try to decide what to do, where to do it, and what that means for the next 12 months of my existence. I have many MANY options. Im not hurting for options. Just hurting for decision-making skills. Honestly, I look back over everything Ive done and accomplished thus far and think, "HOW did I pull that off?" Because it all involves a definitive decision in some form or fashion and Im currently experiencing the writer's block of decision-making. Grrrr. Luckily, I have the support of all those around me, but my endless rants of what to do, where to do it, and when may just drive us all nutty before too long.

I found this quote the other day and I think it may describe my predicament quite nicely:

"Free will is beautiful, but too many choices can really screw us up."

Dont get me wrong, I still appreciate my predicament. The sheer fact that I have so many options and choices and opportunities is a blessing, but downright overwhelming at times.