I. Am. Downright. Indecisive. And it may just be the death of me. Or at least the death of my mental sanity. Ive been here. Ive been there. Ive been back to here. And back to the there. And pretty much EVERYWHERE in between. And fear that all the coming and going has ultimately lead me nowhere. How can that be?! I am in a state of complete and total limbo as I try to decide what to do, where to do it, and what that means for the next 12 months of my existence. I have many MANY options. Im not hurting for options. Just hurting for decision-making skills. Honestly, I look back over everything Ive done and accomplished thus far and think, "HOW did I pull that off?" Because it all involves a definitive decision in some form or fashion and Im currently experiencing the writer's block of decision-making. Grrrr. Luckily, I have the support of all those around me, but my endless rants of what to do, where to do it, and when may just drive us all nutty before too long.
I found this quote the other day and I think it may describe my predicament quite nicely:
"Free will is beautiful, but too many choices can really screw us up."
Dont get me wrong, I still appreciate my predicament. The sheer fact that I have so many options and choices and opportunities is a blessing, but downright overwhelming at times.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Back in the States and Running in Place
My, oh my! It's been soooooooo long since my last update. And given that I have been all the way from North Carolina back to Ecuador and many many places in between it seems even longer than 4 months. For a quick as a quick 4 month recap can be, I shall say this: Mid-Sept, I realized my Nov. 2nd end-of-work date was coming up fast, so I spoke with my Ecua fam and they agreed to host me for another whopping 6 week stint in the land of 12 hour days. So having wrapped up my post-NOC plans, I settled in to make the most of what was by far my best season yet at NOC. I had such a lovely group of co-workers at Slow Joe's, wonderful "house" mates at Mashburns, and such willing and adventurous friends from all over who humored me by going on long hikes, bike rides, runs, and drives through the country. I love Western North Carolina. And as the days got shorter, the few of us left in the gorge would snuggle up under sleeping bags and watch old movies on VHS (VHS? Whats that?). Some highlights: Celebration Sunday with the whole Mashburns gang after an incredibly exhausting GAF weekend, another Ryan's outing - this time in our PJs for the breakfast buffet where even my very own dad joined us!!!, a delightful Burningtown bike ride with 3 Mashburnians, a 4 hour hike through the pouring rain with dad in the Smoky Mountains Natl Park, a visit from Emily, a Halloween outing to the middle of nowhere to run through a muddy corn maze and later take photos with the Ghostbusters themselves, dressing up with Sarah as a scary fairy for Halloween, and then a goodbye hike to the Wesser Fire tower with incredible views of the mountains all around. What a place I have been blessed enough to live for four summers!

Then I packed all my things into my car and was on the road once again. This time just 3 hours South to Atlanta where I spent a day with Emily before leaving my car and bidding adieu to the U S of A and flying South to Ecuador. I spent 6 fabulous weeks with living with Ivo and Luisfer, going for morning runs through Parque Carolina, eating a freshly picked 5 cent banana and freshly baked 20 cent empanada de queso every morning, traveling to various parts of the country for hikes, bike rides, family visits, soccer games. And spent one fantastic week showing this amazing country off to my mom.
Really, there are no words to properly describe how awesome it was to have my mom there. My mom is NOT one to travel on her on. From one city to the next. Much less another country. So I really didnt fully believe she was coming until she was sitting on her Quito-bound flight in the airport in Atlanta. I didnt give her much time to adjust to the 10,000 foot gain in altitude before taking her up another 1000 feet to get a sweeping view of the city of Quito and the mountains surrounding it. I took her all around the Historic Center, climbed with her to the top of the most beautiful church in the city, and wined and dined her on some super tasty Ecuadorian treats. She experienced travel Ecua-style when we took the public bus to the highlands town of Otavalo - and was literally thrown across the bus when she didnt get to her seat fast enough and the bus took off flying around a curve - poor mom! We went for a beautiful, yet challenging, hike to a waterfall, ate some delicious home cooked meals at the most beautiful hacienda way up in the hills where we were the only guests and treated like queens, and visited the local artisan market where she got to ooh and aah over the beautiful artwork (and treat herself to a few things)! We then headed to the cloud forest where - in true Ecua-fashion - one of the roads leading to our hosteria was washed out so we had to scootch our way across bamboo poles lain over a rushing creek while several men held our hands to keep us from falling and then passed our bags to us so we could climb into a truck full of manure waiting to take us on the rest of the way. Once we got there, we were able to breath a poop-free sigh of relief, go for long hikes amongst the butterflies and orchids, and spend Thanksgiving morning meditating and reflecting beside a beautiful river near our lodge. Another public bus ride led us back to Quito where mom got to see the school where both Annelle and I studied, walk in my favorite city park, and eat a delicious Thanksgiving meal with Luisfer and Ivo. We had a grand old time for sure!

And after 6 weeks of speaking Spanish, daily power outages, eating yummy Ecuadorian foods (empanadas de queso, pan de yuca, arroz con menestra, quimbolitos, oh my!), and traveling near and far to hike, bike, eat, drink, and breathe the land and culture, I boarded an ATL-bound plane (24 hours later than planned due to a mess-up on my part...long, dramatic story...) and made my way back to my dad's house in Jackson, MS where I was welcomed by a tiny puffball of energy - my sister's new yorkie! After the shock of a new creature (my mom calls her her first "grandchild"), I dumped my bags, ate a big bowl of Peanut Butter Puffins, and settled back into the creature comforts of life in dad's house. December and early January brought lots and lots of quality family time in Jackson with dad and Susan, Oxford with my mom, and New Orleans for New Years with Annelle, dad, and Susan. I really enjoyed being back home, back with my family. Last year, I spent the holidays in Argentina with Vanina's family, but it was nice to be back together with my family this year!
And once everyone went back to their respective homes and jobs, I flew to Texas for a Rotary Ambassadorial conference where I got to meet a number of other people who won the same scholarship as I who will be flying all over the world in the next year to study everything from economics in Australia to Arabic in Egypt. I also got the added pleasure of spending a couple of days with Elsa and one beautiful, yet cooold, afternoon walking through downtown Austin with Abby and Liz. texas is suppose to be hot. And if not hot, at least WARM, but while it was 80 degrees in Jan last year, it was a whopping 19 degrees this year. Brrrrrrr:(.
And from cold Texas, I went to colder Chicago where I was given a very very WARM welcome by the entire Bangert clan and spent 6 days reconnecting with old friends and co-workers. It was good to see Rene and Molly as it had been nearly a year and a half since I had seen two of the most important people in my life and I had some good much needed life talks with Rene, Molly, Blanca, and Holley. So cheers for having amazing friends all over the place!
And now I am back in Mississippi spending some time with my mom before taking one more trip (for the moment) this time to Utah for some skiing with the family and catch-up time with old friends and co-workers. Oh, and in the meantime, while I am thoroughly enjoying having the time and freedom to visit so many people, I am madly stressed as I try to figure out what to do with my life....more on that later! VIVA!
Then I packed all my things into my car and was on the road once again. This time just 3 hours South to Atlanta where I spent a day with Emily before leaving my car and bidding adieu to the U S of A and flying South to Ecuador. I spent 6 fabulous weeks with living with Ivo and Luisfer, going for morning runs through Parque Carolina, eating a freshly picked 5 cent banana and freshly baked 20 cent empanada de queso every morning, traveling to various parts of the country for hikes, bike rides, family visits, soccer games. And spent one fantastic week showing this amazing country off to my mom.
Really, there are no words to properly describe how awesome it was to have my mom there. My mom is NOT one to travel on her on. From one city to the next. Much less another country. So I really didnt fully believe she was coming until she was sitting on her Quito-bound flight in the airport in Atlanta. I didnt give her much time to adjust to the 10,000 foot gain in altitude before taking her up another 1000 feet to get a sweeping view of the city of Quito and the mountains surrounding it. I took her all around the Historic Center, climbed with her to the top of the most beautiful church in the city, and wined and dined her on some super tasty Ecuadorian treats. She experienced travel Ecua-style when we took the public bus to the highlands town of Otavalo - and was literally thrown across the bus when she didnt get to her seat fast enough and the bus took off flying around a curve - poor mom! We went for a beautiful, yet challenging, hike to a waterfall, ate some delicious home cooked meals at the most beautiful hacienda way up in the hills where we were the only guests and treated like queens, and visited the local artisan market where she got to ooh and aah over the beautiful artwork (and treat herself to a few things)! We then headed to the cloud forest where - in true Ecua-fashion - one of the roads leading to our hosteria was washed out so we had to scootch our way across bamboo poles lain over a rushing creek while several men held our hands to keep us from falling and then passed our bags to us so we could climb into a truck full of manure waiting to take us on the rest of the way. Once we got there, we were able to breath a poop-free sigh of relief, go for long hikes amongst the butterflies and orchids, and spend Thanksgiving morning meditating and reflecting beside a beautiful river near our lodge. Another public bus ride led us back to Quito where mom got to see the school where both Annelle and I studied, walk in my favorite city park, and eat a delicious Thanksgiving meal with Luisfer and Ivo. We had a grand old time for sure!
And after 6 weeks of speaking Spanish, daily power outages, eating yummy Ecuadorian foods (empanadas de queso, pan de yuca, arroz con menestra, quimbolitos, oh my!), and traveling near and far to hike, bike, eat, drink, and breathe the land and culture, I boarded an ATL-bound plane (24 hours later than planned due to a mess-up on my part...long, dramatic story...) and made my way back to my dad's house in Jackson, MS where I was welcomed by a tiny puffball of energy - my sister's new yorkie! After the shock of a new creature (my mom calls her her first "grandchild"), I dumped my bags, ate a big bowl of Peanut Butter Puffins, and settled back into the creature comforts of life in dad's house. December and early January brought lots and lots of quality family time in Jackson with dad and Susan, Oxford with my mom, and New Orleans for New Years with Annelle, dad, and Susan. I really enjoyed being back home, back with my family. Last year, I spent the holidays in Argentina with Vanina's family, but it was nice to be back together with my family this year!
And once everyone went back to their respective homes and jobs, I flew to Texas for a Rotary Ambassadorial conference where I got to meet a number of other people who won the same scholarship as I who will be flying all over the world in the next year to study everything from economics in Australia to Arabic in Egypt. I also got the added pleasure of spending a couple of days with Elsa and one beautiful, yet cooold, afternoon walking through downtown Austin with Abby and Liz. texas is suppose to be hot. And if not hot, at least WARM, but while it was 80 degrees in Jan last year, it was a whopping 19 degrees this year. Brrrrrrr:(.
And from cold Texas, I went to colder Chicago where I was given a very very WARM welcome by the entire Bangert clan and spent 6 days reconnecting with old friends and co-workers. It was good to see Rene and Molly as it had been nearly a year and a half since I had seen two of the most important people in my life and I had some good much needed life talks with Rene, Molly, Blanca, and Holley. So cheers for having amazing friends all over the place!
And now I am back in Mississippi spending some time with my mom before taking one more trip (for the moment) this time to Utah for some skiing with the family and catch-up time with old friends and co-workers. Oh, and in the meantime, while I am thoroughly enjoying having the time and freedom to visit so many people, I am madly stressed as I try to figure out what to do with my life....more on that later! VIVA!
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